Advanced Coaching Gift Certificate
Want to learn a few tricks? Try a jump and touch the sky? Or maybe you are stuck and are struggling to progress. Advanced coaching might be just what you have been looking for. The sky is the limit!
- Riding techniques (upwind, transitions, edge control, toeside and riding blind)
- Self landing and launching safe practices
- Jumping techniques (boosting, grabs, loading and popping)
- Hooked tricks (back and front rotations, dark slides, hand plant and hand drag)
- Kite loops (down loops, kite loops and mega loops)
- Unhooking (raleys, backrolls and s-bends)
- Strapless (wave riding, cutbacks, gybing, tacking and aerials)
Choose your kitesurfing path! Our instructors can help you achieve your kitesurfing goals and ambitions.
*Duration 2 hours.